Senior Educational Consultant

I'm a very passionate educator, an NGO leader and a business leader in Korea, emerged from a Office of Government background. My focus and expertise are across on 21st century teaching and learning e.g 1:1/mobile/personalized learning, teacher professional development, IoT/STEM/software and English Education. I did and doing many project based on classroom field. Such as localized Intel PD(Project Based Approach, Collaboration in the Digital Classroom, Assessement in 21st Century Classroom, Critical Thinking with Data, etc), development unit plans, case study, best practice, and specific curriculum and content for software education based on Intel Galileo board & Intel Edison board. Please visit my CV & Project, and if you have any open, please send it to me using Contact menu. Thanks.
Available for:
Insturctional Design
Project Development
Project Management
Educational Consulting
Case Study
Best Practice
Teacher Training
Teacher Community
Social links:
“John Kim is a passsionate educator dedicated to the amelioration of technology-driven pedagogy across his country and the world.”
- Joel Willson, Instructor of English
- Walters State Community College

“Computers aren’t magic; Teachers are.” - Craig R. Barrett,
Retired CEO/Chairman
of the Board, Intel Corporation
Innovation Hub Project for K-12 students to improve creativity and problem solving through maker movement.